Chapter 6:
Service Expectations


Quality, reliability, and communication are the fundamental pillars of success for any business. This guide outlines OneNeighbor and customer expectations for service, quality, and communication.
OneNeighbor Mobile App for Home Services

Service Provider Expectations


Customers expect exceptional quality service, every service.   Here at OneNeighbor, our goal is to provide you with all the support, tools, and tips to help you succeed and earn more money. Providing customers with top-quality service, consistently, ensures a happy customer, a positive vendor rating, and quicker payments. Every service is backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so cutting corners will only cause issues for yourself as customers have 48 hours to report any service issues that you must resolve before you get paid for the job. Additionally, they can give you a poor rating or even fire you. The best OneNeighbor pros provide great services, consistently, and even earn tips from the customers for doing a great job!


Every customer wants a service provider they can rely on. To succeed as a service business, you must be reliable and consistent. This means doing what you say you'll do and showing up when the customer expects you. If you have a weekly customer that's scheduled for service on Fridays, they expect you to be there every Friday. It's your responsibility to manage your jobs and reschedule a job if you're not going to make it on time. If you can't make it to one of your Thursday jobs and show up on Friday without rescheduling in the app, the customer could get upset and rate you poorly or even fire you!

Be proactive and stay aware of the weather. If it's forecasted to rain on Wednesday, we recommend trying to service your Wednesday customers a day early, on Tuesday. You can easily reschedule your jobs in the OneNeighbor platform.


It's very important that you communicate with your customers and quickly resolve any/all services questions or issues that they may have. Our platform handles most of the customer communication for you, automatically. When you delay or reschedule a job in the platform, the customer will automatically receive an email notification. If a customer has an issue with the service that you've performed, they have 48 hours to report an issue. Issues will appear on your vendor dashboard and you will be notified via email. The issues are time sensitive, so you must respond and resolve the issues right away.  You have 24 hours to respond to an issue. If you don't respond, the issue may be automatically resolved.

Lawn Mowing

Lawn mowing service expectations

Mowing the Lawn

Mow the front yard, back yard, sides of the house, and the alley behind the fence.
Mow the grass in a different direction every week. This will promote the growth of a healthy lawn.
Do not scalp/cut the grass too short. It's important that you identify the type of grass and cut at the correct height for each type of grass.
CUT 1.5" - 2"
ZOYSIACUT 1.5" - 2.5"

Trimming the Lawn

Use your string-trimmer to cut all of the turf areas where the lawn mower was not able to reach. This could be around flower beds, trees, landscaping, round corners, etc.
Trimming areas with a string-trimmer

Edging the Lawn

Use a blade edger or a string trimmer to edge all of the areas where the grass meets the sidewalk, driveway, and walkway.
Here are examples of proper turf edging:
perfect lawn edgingGreat lawn edging with string trimmerProfessional lawn edging

Blow Grass Clippings

Always cleanup the grass clippings from driveway, sidewalks, entry, and patios. You should blow the clippings into the lawn and disburse them so there are no clubs of grass in the lawn. Clumps of grass will cause damage to the lawn beneath it.

Grass cippings on sidewalkGrass clippings in streetGrass clippings in road

Clumps of Grass

If there are clumps of grass where you have mowed, it means that either the grass is too tall or you're cutting too much of the grass at once. You'll want to either bag the clippings or rake/blow the clippings into a pile and bag them. Do not leave clumps of grass on the lawn. The clumps of grass will cause the grass below to die. If the customer's grass is too tall, follow the tall grass policy.

Clumps of grass from mowerClumps of grass in lawnClumps of grass in yard
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OneNeighbor allows homeowners to find, purchase, and manage home services as a group to drive significant cost savings and consolidate payments. OneNeighbor puts homeowners and neighborhoods at ease knowing they're receiving superior quality services at the most affordable rates.
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